Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Values Essay - 1019 Words

This Essay is to explain the Army Values and how they pertain to the mistake I made. In the US army we are taught to live by the 7 army values. They are broken down to us in the acronym ‘LDRSHIP’. Loyalty â€Å"Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. constitution, the Army, and other soldiers.† Duty â€Å"Fulfill your obligations.† Respect â€Å"Treat people as they should be treated.† Selfless Service â€Å"Put the welfare of the nation, the Army and your subordinates above your own.† Honor â€Å"Live up to the army values.† Integrity â€Å"Do what’s right legally and morally.† and Personal Courage â€Å"Face fear, danger or adversity (physical or moral).† We are all drilled on these 7 army values from day one of basic training. First we†¦show more content†¦It requires you to be candid and sincere with your peers, subordinates, and superiors. Integrity calls upon you to be h onest and honorable in word and deed at all times. Integrity means doing the right thing even if there is no one watching. To have integrity a person must have the ability to distinguish the difference between right and wrong, so that when a controversial issue arises the right and honorable thing will be done. It is an important role in the values because if one does not have integrity they cannot be trusted on in a time of need or when you are working side by side with them in every day work. What they say cannot be taken on word alone. I usually take my integrity very seriously, and it makes me sick to think that I gave that up for something so stupid. We must have integrity because if we don’t we are untrustworthy and unreliable. These are 2 things I never want associated with my name. Finally I have been doing research for this and other items in my plan of action. I found a section of TRADOC Reg 350-10 it states â€Å"2-14 The success of institutional training depends on having experienced SGLs, SSGLs and instructors who are leadership mentors, role models, and teachers. Small group leaders, SSGLs and instructors conduct leadership assessments, counseling, and assist students to identify strengths, weaknesses, and actions to improve performance.† This statement has made me truly evaluate myShow MoreRelated AMERICAN VALUES Essay689 Words   |  3 Pageseducational and moral values. These are the three values that affect society today the most, I think. Society may look down on people if they do not live by what society thinks is correct. For example if a persons values are corrupt then society will look down on that person, but if a person has real high morals then society will think that they are fake of just a â€Å"goodie†. 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